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vendredi 8 février 2013

Landscapes of Champagne

Some pictures taken on the way to Epernay

Few snowflakes in the night, morning frost, on waking blue sky and beautiful landscapes

Is the sun off?

As we suspected already, the month of January has been very cloudy and not really sunny. In Reims, the sun shone twice less than average. Only 37 against 60 hours of sunshine on average.  But Reims is not the worst, Langres in Haute-Marne or Troyes in Aube, there only  had 14 hours of sunlight...

Here are some figures (Météo France Station - Reims-Courcy):
Duration of Sunshine
january 2013Monthly sunshine37 h
Monthly average60 h
Records in
Month lowest
Month highest
30 h
97 h
January 2010
January 2009
Source : http://climat.meteofrance.com 

 If January is cloudy, it's also rainy. But we can see the bright side of things, we had twice less  rain than the reference year 1995 which was the wettest...

january 2013Monthly rainfall
Highest daily rainfall
60,3 mm
11,0 mm

January 2013 
Monthly average46,4 mm
Records injanuary Month lowest
Month highest
HIghest daily rainfall
5,0 mm
120,4 mm
24,7 mm
January 1992
January 1995
3 January 1936
Source : http://climat.meteofrance.com 

Let just take some sunshine !